Saturday, December 13, 2008

We made it to Guangzhou

At the play room
Medical exam
We are so glad to have arrived to warmer weather. Ciarra did great on her first flight. She slept the entire time. Lets hope the flight home goes that well. The breakfast buffet was wonderful this morning and the temperature was close to 80 today. We had the medical exam this morning. It wasn't anything too much but she weighs 22 pounds and is 28 inches tall. She loves just being outside and walking around in the stroller without being bundled up. They have a playroom in the hotel and I am sure we will be spending more time there. She loved the toys and having the space to play. Tomorrow is a free day and hopefully can get some shopping done. Hope all is well at home and can't wait to get home to see everyone.

1 comment:

Joyce Billups said...

Glad to hear the food is better!! The kids were asking everyday if you had good food to eat!! (I think they were worried about you!) We have an airplane drawn on our group time calendar and each day the kids count down to see when you will be coming home. We've been talking about Christmas and they've seen pictures of Christmas trees in the hotel. The kids would like to know if "Christmas in China is like our Christmas." "Do you see Santa in China?" Have a good weekend! Joyce, Hannah and her Kindergarten friends